pumpkin carving 2012

well this year pumpkin carving didnt turn out so

well because i

had to do it due to hubby was out of town working.

lets put it this way i

suck at carving pumpkins but heres

a look at

what we did:

cleaning of the pumpkins

gross !!!! i love there faces

they are all making durning this part

next up was the

horrible carving mommy did

and we did some silly face ones for baby Karly

they dont look so bad at a

distance in the day light

but heres our finished product

Pumpkin Patch 2012

So this year Pumpkin patch

wasnt like every other year !!!!

Hubby had to work so didnt get to join us and it was pouring

down rain and cold.

So we decided it was just going to be a mommy and kids

advanture to Joes Farm 🙂

we enjoyed

playing out in the rain

as we looked for the most prefect pumpkins

we ended up with way to many


after paying for our pumpkins

we had a small

break in the rain so we


to get the kidos face painted

johnn thomas

kattelynn nycole

jayme colleen

after 2 hours out in the rain

we decided it was time to go home and warm up 🙂