My Girls

So the Girls are now 7 and 8 years old

they are truly

starting to have there own

likes and dislikes.

The last week or so they

have been at each other fighting over everything.

then i came across this photo and thought


how much i missed them being small they were such good girls.

I love u Jayme and Katte

lime green baby blanket

so i had been working

on a baby blanket

for my brother jeff and my sister in law kit

who are due with my niece any day now 🙂

i choose lime green for her!!!

i had so much fun working on this blanket it took me longer

then most of my blankets

only because i did something different then ive done with

my others.

just starting ……..

finished ……

i hope my niece loves it when she makes her apperance

Morrissey Ballesteros

i love u already ❤


daddy and son love

Last night my son was

feeling a little emotional and just want

cuddle time with his daddy

so i went and laid on the couch away from them for a

bit and came back to find……

my son clinging on to his dad in his sleep.

he is so sweet

we found out why he was so emotional last night

cause he woke up

this morning with a high fever.

my poor sick boy!!!


Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial day weekend  started

off slow but then we kicked it

up with some friend and family

hubby was out of town on work so it was me and the kidos!!!

we started the weekend

with movie night ….


we decided to go spend the day with friends  down

at the local park where they have

water play area.

the kids loved every minute

they were so tired

by the time we made it home.

Sunday we

decided to have a quiet day at home

kids were still tired from a

long a of fun the day before.

Monday we

had a play date with another friend

the kids went swimming

and played while us moms got to chat and catch up.


that day daddy surprised them

by coming home

the last day of summer vacation

so they could spend the day together.

So Tuesday was

family day .

so after lunch we took the kidos to the

movies to see one of there favorite movies

of course while we

were there the kids and daddy

had to play games

of course i couldnt pass up the photo booth

with my hubby

then we rushed home

to make it for calebs birthday


happy birthday to you

happy birthday dear birthday boy

kids were so excited for cake they lined up

after the party it was

time to get kidos ready for bed they had there

first day of school

the night morning .

but over all we really enjoyed our weekend.


Well today was bitter sweet

for us

it was the first day of the 2012 – 2013 school year.

This year we have

Jayme who is in 3rd grade

Katte who is in 2nd grade

and my special boy

is in Kindergarden ……………

Daddy came home

early so he could be here for the first day of school

so kids got to do special

daddy photos

of course since daddy got special photo time

that ment i had to

do a special mommy photo 🙂

by that time it was bus stop time 🙂

daddy and i followed

the bus to the school to walk them to class

first stop was

Johnns classroom

where is teacher was waiting for them

to come in and get the photo taken

for her wall 🙂

next stop is Kattes classroom

Katte was all smiles as we left her.

next stop was Jaymes classroom

Jayme was crying when we left she

is very nervous this year for

some reason.

but she was fine after we left.

while they where at school

i went and bought them a

special after school snack

i figured

after a long hot day

at school they would what

something yummy and cold 🙂

The kids

had an amazing first day of school.

after a long day they are finally

all in bed sleeping