First Zoo Trip Ever

So hubby and I bought a zoo membership

since the kidos have never gone and

love animals.

Today was the first time we have gotten a

chance to go.

We started by getting our maps and

choosing where we wanted to start.

There is so much stuff to see

that there was no way we where doing all of it today but we saw

most of it 🙂

Glad we can go back anytime we want!

Look at so of our favorites from today…………………………………

Thanks for letting us share

our fun trip.

may 2012

well my life has been alittle crazy

so im just going to do

some of mays


god has blessed me with

some of the best kids ever .







Philippians 4:6-7

do not be anxious about anything,

but  in everything by prayer and supplication

 with thanksgiving let your requests

 be  made known to God.

And the peace of God,

 which surpasses all understanding, will  guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.