
“A truly wise person uses few words; a person with understanding is even tempered.”

Proverbs 17:27

Patience means :


the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like.


an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay: to have patience with a slow learner.


quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence: to work with patience.
“But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.”
Psalm 86:15

A Night With Out Jayme…….

So tonight Jayme stayed at Nanas:)

When Jayme gets to stay at Nanas, Katte and Johnn

get to have a sleepover in my room!!:)

They are getting comfy to watch 

The Biggest Loser

with mommy! 🙂

Katte enjoying her time with mommy:)

Johnn is super excited to be with his sister!!:)

These 3 babys are so special:)

John 1:16

Of  His fullness we have all recieved, and grace for grace.

John 1:16

God has given us  “of His fullness….and grace for grace.”

This means Hes given us one blessing after another. He is the One who blesses.

God has blessed me with so many great people and things.

I thanks God for everything I have every day.




Three Little Monkeys

One of my childrens favorite books is

“Eight Silly Monkeys”

So we are going straight to 3 silly monkeys since

We only have 3 monkeys!!!:)


Three silly monkeys swinging on the bed!!

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor

and the doctor said

“No More Monkeys swinging on the Bed”

 Two silly monkeys sliding on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor

and the doctor said,

   “No  More Monkeys sliding on the bed!”

          One silly monkey spinning on the bed.

He fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,



  Nobody mentioned anything about…………………

Jumping on the couch!!!!!!!!


So here are my 3 silly monkeys:)

                                                        Jayme Colleen Brooks

                                                      My oldest Silly Monkey:)


 Kattelynn Nycole Brooks

My middle Silly Monkey!! 🙂

                                                     Johnn Thomas Brooks

My youngest Silly Monkey!!:)

These are the best SILLY MONKEYS ever!!!! 🙂 🙂

January Cookie :)

So today I made Snickerdoodle cookies for some reason I only really make these in January!!!

So now they are called my January cookie!!! yummy:)

This is how you make them:

You start with Sugar Cookie dough

Then you roll them in balls whatever size you want!!

Then you roll them in Cinnimmon and Sugar!!




Then you put them on your cookie sheet and cook them

at 375 for about 10 minutes!!!:)

Then you have a yummy yummy cookie!!:)

The kidos love them right out of the oven!!!!:)



Wondering what God has in store for us this year!!:)

            “Forgiveness – Start the New Year with a Clean Heart.” Colossians 3:13

This is the first day of the year 2011 🙂 ! We bring this year in focusing on God and our family and our wonderful friends!!!:) ❤ We pray that God brings spice in our lifes with alot of  love and laughter !!:)

We start this year on a good note we moved into a new place and are finally getting settled!!:)

Jake and I have been married for 7 years and it has been a long journey but we have made it and couldnt picture my life without him!!! 🙂 i ❤ U baby!!:)

I choose you to be my husband 7 years ago to have and to hold , for better for worse , for richer or poorer , in sickness and in health , to have and to cherish. ❤ i love you honey!!:)

          Jayme Colleen Brooks is 6 years old and in 1st grade. She is a princess girl !! Pink is her favorite color!!:)

         Kattelynn Nycole Brooks is 5 years old and in kindergarden. She is such a silly girl !!! she love singing and laughing and dancing!! 🙂

         Johnn Thomas Brooks is 3 years old. He is a hyper little boy now!! He is so smart and proves it every day!!:) 

               The kids have and are the most important thing in our lifes:) !!!<3

“LOVE the LORD your God with all your Heart and with all your Soul and with all your Strength ” Deuteronomy 6:5

NEw YeArS EvE <3

So Jayme , Kattelynn and Johnn thought it would be fun to bring in the new year with a fort and a camp out with movies !!! 🙂 so thats what they did!!:)    We had such a great new years we got to watch an hour and half of free fireworks and us adults got homemade margaritas!!:) Hope everyones new year was as great as ours!!! we welcome the new year hoping it will bring Fireworks to our lifes  🙂

Happy New Year 🙂 ❤